Data SGP is a database of student growth percentiles and projections generated by Wyoming’s Star Assessment system, updated regularly. This database allows educators, parents, students and schools to track the progress of their students relative to those across Wyoming. Calculation involves analyzing growth trajectories of students who took identical Star assessments over different years – this information then used to generate projected SGPs for every individual student taking assessments at that same time; using this data allows educators to see whether their students are improving relative to others in Wyoming as well as determine any steps necessary in order to enhance student performance.
Create data SGP using an R script by running this command:
sgpData_INSTRUCTOR_NUMBER – The sgpData lookup tables provide an anonymized list of instructor numbers associated with each test record associated with students. This data can help users quickly locate instructors that taught similar content areas across multiple test years.
This table can be used for various purposes, including comparing teacher-student groups or individual instructors within a district or school to one another, and also to compare two students within one class or grade level against each other to demonstrate how much benefit their instruction provided to each one of them.
Typically, students require 10 Student Growth Points of growth to progress from proficiency on an achievement scale to advanced performance. However, individual needs vary and this figure could be less or more than expected; thus the SGP metric uses a range rather than fixed percentage.
SGPs provide an effective measure of progress for students at all academic levels. Low performing students can demonstrate they are making progress while high achieving students have something beyond proficiency levels to strive towards.
Although students’ SGPs can be interpreted in many different ways, its true value lies in predicting when and if a student will reach proficiency. That is why SGPs do not appear on state tests like their final scores do.
SGP is an invaluable tool, not only because of its impartial nature but also because it allows all teachers to participate in making decisions regarding student learning. By sharing student growth data with other educational stakeholders, SGP provides an opportunity for discussion of the quality of instruction and support that students receive in schools and communities, as well as informing decisions about funding and resource allocation. SGP can highlight areas requiring additional resources and help ensure all students’ education remains a top priority in their local community and state governments. Overall, SGP provides an efficient and transparent tool to promote equitable education outcomes.