The Horse Race and Politics

A horse race is a close form of competition that’s frequently applied in political contexts involving two or more candidates competing against each other for votes and resources. People in the US frequently refer to Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump’s rivalry as a horse race – its intensity perfectly fits this metaphor! With its constant barrage of attacks ads, name calling and other forms of confrontation characteristic of political contests today, many may see horse races as fitting an allusion for comparison purposes.

Horse races are risky business for all involved; from horses themselves to humans who bet on them and gamble for large sums of money. Although dangerous, most horse races don’t result in catastrophic accidents like those seen with major sports like football or basketball.

Even with all its risks, most people enjoy watching and betting on horse races. Each year in the US alone there are over 400 races, and their wagers generate billions in profits for all parties involved. Furthermore, watching and betting also provides fans with an opportunity to engage with history of sport as well as its social impact.

Early horse racing saw horses being bred and raced as part of an informal wager between owners. Wagers were recorded by disinterested third parties who then collected these agreements into books known as match books; one such early match book was An Historical List of All Horse-Matches Run (1729).

Horse races are a type of competition in which horses are forced to run at breakneck speed by humans using whips. While in nature horses are free to choose whether or not they want to race, understanding that self-preservation is in their best interest, on tracks the whip can force horses into continuing even when injured or dying — with dead racehorses having broken necks, fractured spines and twisted legs as a result; injured racehorses sometimes succumbing to pulmonary hemorrhage (bleeding out of their lungs) as a result of being forced into continuing running against an opponent on tracks.

Media scholars have long held media outlets responsible for framing politics as a horserace to blame, with polls taking priority over underdogs and more attention paid to frontrunners than their challenges. According to critics, such reporting can increase voter disenchantment with politicians and the issues they claim support.

One of the greatest challenges of horse racing today is attracting and maintaining new fans. While spectators still find the sport enjoyable, many Americans no longer live near multiple racing tracks or can make time to visit them on weekends; and due to being less technologically advanced than some other sports it has less appeal among young people – which results in its following gradually declining over time – which must be addressed as it poses serious health and social implications for society as a whole.